Business plan strategy concept to achievement objective target.

Aims and Objectives of TSS

  • Provide a community led SAFE SPACE for the Tamil community which is easily ​accessible

  • Ensure that Tamil guests are treated in a culturally and linguistically appropriate ​manner, including an environment which is culturally appropriate.

  • Provide a warm, welcoming, culturally appropriate and safe environment which ​embodies a trauma-informed ‘no wrong’ door approach

  • Assist with non-clinical support for guests and provide information relevant to their ​situation regarding other support services in the community

  • Governing and managing the SAFE SPACE alongside those with lived experience of ​suicide.

  • Reduce the stigma associated with psychological distress in the Tamil community

  • Assist those who are vulnerable to foster a sense of belonging, as many struggling ​with psychological distress can feel isolated

  • Provide early intervention for those at risk within the communitywho may not seek ​assistancetill much later