About Us


The Tamil Safe Space is an incorporated Not For Profit ​entity that has been established to address the mental ​health concerns of the Tamil population in Sydney.


The ethnic Sri Lankan Tamil community have had an ​increase in the number of suicides and mental health ​issues due to the decades long civil war in the country ​which resulted in numerous deaths, torture, persecution, ​homelessness and poverty. There was a strong sense in ​the community that there was a need to address this in a ​way that was non-clinical and culturally nuanced due to ​the stigma and taboo associated with mental health ​within the community. In 2022, Anglicare partnered with ​the Tamil community and Layne Stretton, a reputable ​lived experience advisor who works with Roses in the ​Ocean - a suicide prevention organization, to discuss ​how best this issue could be addressed.

In the last couple of years, a number of community-led ​Safe Spaces for mental health have been established to ​serve particular communities and their specific needs. It ​was agreed that establishing a Tamil Safe Space would ​greatly benefit the community. Thus, a working ​committee was formed in 2022 for the Tamil Safe Space ​(TSS). The space officially commenced operations in ​September 2024.


The purpose of TSS is to address the growing need for ​mental health crisis in the Tamil community in a ​culturally nuanced manner. As there is a significant ​taboo and stigma associated with mental health in the ​Tamil community it is hoped that TSS will normalize ​seeking help for mental health within the community.

TSS will be a community-led “drop-in” style space that ​will provide a warm, welcoming environment as a non- ​clinical alternative to acute clinical services for people ​are experiencing emotional distress or suicidal crisis. It ​will be staffed by trained volunteer Peer CARE ​Companions who have their own lived experience of ​suicide and mental health and will provide ​compassionate and empathetic support to guests. (I am ​not sure if this paragraph is required as it is already ​stated in the main section?)


  • Sneha Anthony - President
  • Viji Dhayanathan - Secretary
  • Shanthi Senathi - Treasurer
  • Dharmarajah Dharmakumar - Volunteer Manager
  • Cheryl Webster
  • Dr Thava Seelan
  • Kalyani Inpakumar
  • Dr Iyngaranathan Selvaratnam


  • Compassion - Our Safe Space strives to offer support by ​acknowledging the struggle faced by people and ​responding with kindness and sincere care to help alleviate ​their distress
  • Hope – We seek to empower individuals by guiding them to ​recognize that pathways exist to assist in navigating their ​challenges and difficulties
  • Inclusion We will be a welcoming place for everyone, ​irrespective of age, gender, sexual identity, disability, ​ethnicity, or country of origin
  • Empathy – Our goal is to walk in the other person’s shoes; ​to approach situations by striving to understand their ​experiences and emotions from their perspective
  • Respect– We will honour individuals by providing them with ​autonomy in their decisions and circumstances; We ​acknowledge and value their inherent dignity, treating ​everyone as equal to ourselves.


RITO, a leading suicide prevention organization currently ​provide the funding for TSS. RITO also provides training and ​mentoring for Peer CARE volunteers, in addition to guidance ​and advice on operations.

Anglicare was instrumental in the progress of this project from ​its inception. They continue to provide ongoing support and ​guidance.